• Breakfast, Lunch, & snack Information


    Breakfast is offered at The ELC.  See the handbook for more details.  
    My class eats lunch at 11:50 am daily.  Your child may bring or buy a lunch (be sure that lunch boxes are labeled).  The students will go and eat in the cafe. 
    Please review the handbook for lunch procedures and pricing.  Remember that when sending lunch money to school it needs to be put in an envelope labeled with your child's name and teacher/grade.  Lunch money will be sent to the cafe first thing in the morning to be deposited into your child's account.  As your child purchases lunch, the money is deducted.  If you have any questions reguarding lunch, please the office at 942-7263 and they will direct your call.
    Free and reduced lunch information - contact the office


    Full Day Kindergarten is a busy day filled with many activities that make our brains both tired and hungry.  Please send your child to school with a snack each and everyday in the late afternoon.  We will have extra in case someone forgets.  If you wish, you may send in snacks for me to use as the Extra's. Thanks!
Last Modified on September 21, 2011