Meet Mrs. Osika

  •        Welcome
    Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Kristen Osika, and this is my sixth year teaching in the School City of Hobart.  I have taught third grade at Joan Martin for four of those years and have loved every day of it.  This will be my first year in second grade.
      I grew up in this area and went to St. Joseph School in Dyer and then graduated from Andrean High School.  After high school, I decided to go to college at Purdue University, West Lafayette, where I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Youth, Adult, and Family Services. After working for a little while, I decided that what I really wanted to do was to go back to school to become a teacher, and I am so happy that I made that decision.  I graduated from Calumet College of St. Joseph after student teaching at Jerry Ross Elementary School in Crown Point and have loved every minute that I have spent in a classroom.
    In my spare time, I love reading, cooking, watching movies, working out, and spending time with family, friends, and my dog Jake .  I am really looking forward to all of the fun learning we will be doing this year and can't wait to meet all of you!
    This is a picture of my dog Jake, a 14 year old Pomeranian.  You will
    probably notice me talking about him a lot this year.
    Family photo
    This is a picture of my family at Christmas this year.  From left to right it is: My 12 year old sister Kylee who lives with us and is in 7th grade.   My son Henry and my husband.
    at the beach
    This is a picture of my husband Sam and I.