Homepage Points of Pride

  • November's Focus on Education Newsletter!
  • Check out this month's edition of our Focus on Education! See how our Brickies have been believers, explorers, inventors, and achievers! Click the link to check it out!
  • https://www.smore.com/9u57s
  • https://in01000440.schoolwires.net/cms/lib/IN01000440/Centricity/Domain/1/November FOE.png

November's Focus on Education Newsletter!

Check out this month's edition of our Focus on Education! See how our Brickies have been believers, explorers, inventors, and achievers! Click the link to check it out!



  • Vision2020 Referenda Info

    Vision2020 Fact Sheet

    Please visit the Referenda tab or click the image above to obtain information about the School City of Hobart's capital and operational referenda.

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  • Emergency School Closing Info

    Winter is coming! Are you prepared? The SCOH would like to be sure you have plans in place should we ever need to delay, early dismiss, or close our schools. Please take the time to visit the website for information on the process and guidelines the SCOH follows to ensure the safety of our students and staff members and download the "Here Comes the Bus" app so you can know where your kids are at. www.hobartschoolwires.com/schoolclosings

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  • Official SAT Practice with Khan Academy - https://www.khanacademy.org/sat

    With Khan Academy - You can keep learning anything. For free. For everyone. Forever! 

    Recently, a study was completed (see the video here) that proved using Khan's Academy's free Official SAT Practice is associated with an average score gain of 115 points! nearly doubel the average score gain for those students that don't use the free test prep. The Officail SAT Practice is free for everyone and personalized for each student. If you don't have the recommended 20 hours to practice, don't worry! Shorter periods of time is also correlated with meaningful score gains - in fact, 6 hours of studying can bring an average of 90 point increase! Below you can find the link to the Official SAT Practice, a link to Khan Academy's main site! Get your Khan on! 


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  • Every Kid In the Park

    Every Kid in a Park is an opportunity for every 4th grader to exlopre our national parks for free! Visit www.everykidinapark.gov for more information and to get your FREE PASS! 


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  • Here Comes the Bus App

    Have you signed up for the Here Comes the Bus App? With many recent updates and the school year well on it's way, it is better than ever! You can view in real-time the location of our student's bus, when and where you child boards or exits the bus, receive notification when the bus is near, and be able to do this all on your smartphone, table, or computer! Visit hobart.schoolwires.com/herecomesthebus for more information and east step-by-step instructions and take the worry away! 

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  • Not Feeling Well? Call the Brickie Clinic at 945-9383
    Not feeling well? Come and see Julie at the Brickie Clinic!  Call their office to make an appointment today! Julie and her staff will get you in, out, and on your way. Located IN Hobart High School! 945-9383


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  • Great Job!

    Congratulations Liberty Elementary! 

    Each year, the IDOE recognizes schools that perform in the upper 25th percentile of schools in performance on ISTEP+ and ECA state exams, as well as their rating determined by the national No Child Left Behind statute's Adequate Yearly Progress. These schools make the 2016 Four Star List. This year we are PROUD to announce the our wonderful LIBERTY ELEMENTARY made the list! Congratulations to ALL of the staff at Liberty for their hard work and dedication to the students. Click here to see a complete list of schools that received the award, as well as more information about the qualifications for the award. 


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  • skyward

    Would you like to easily access your child's Skyward anywhere at anytime? Now you can with the Skyward App! It is available for both Android and iPhone users and is completely FREE! For more information and instructions, click here!

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  • Legacy Foundation
    Looking for $$$ to further your education? Check out the Legacy Foundation Scholarship website! There are dozens of scholarships for graduating seniors, current college students and special scholarships for low-income families or those looking to get their GED! 

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  • SMI and SRI
    Have questions about the Scholastic Math and Reading Inventory? Check out this link! It has a great presentation and links for additional resources. 

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Content Blocks

  •  School City of Hobart
    is Building
    College and Career Ready Students
    One Brick at a Time!

    GCO Honor Roll

    Employer Expectation
    School City of Hobart Believes in Success for All Students!
    The School City of Hobart is proud of their student's achievement and educator's dedication to success! Please visit our website for the breakdown of each school's grade, workbook, overall score, and parent communication. BRICKIE UP for College and Careers!

     Did you know that every school in the School City of Hobart is accredited by AdvancEd's North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement?

    You can learn more by visiting our
    AdvancEd Data Profiles and Action Plans
    on this web site.

    Click on the links below to learn how we
    in helping our students be successful!

    Video clips of students showcasing
    their achievements.

    HHS is part of the
    Indiana College Accelerated Network


    The 8 Conditions That Make a Difference for Student Aspirations:
    Podcasts by Dr. Buffington
    Learn more about 
    The Quagila Institute

    Quaglia Institute

    The School City of Hobart Community will foster intellectual curiosity, natural abilities, critical thinking, and literacy in students while developing respectful and responsible citizens who are excited about the challenges of tomorrow, confident in their ability to chart the future, and dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning.
    Our Schools Equip Children for Adulthood
    Our Schools Address the Needs of Individual Students
    Our Schools Are Community Schools
    Our Schools Are Committed to Success
    Learn about the School City of Hobart's Leadership/ Mentorship Program for students called Team LEAD sponsored by the School City of Hobart Educational Foundation.
    Team LEAD
    Thank you for visiting the School City of Hobart's web site! We are committed to providing the knowledge, skills and opportunities for our students to compete in an ever changing world.

    The School City of Hobart does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information or disability, including limited English proficiency.