• Dear Students and Parents/Guardians, It is proven that a safe and threat-free learning environment supports student success in learning.To achieve this environment, we will use the Lifelong Guidelines and the LIFESKILLS.Here is some language you will be hearing your student use at Liberty Elementary:Lifelong Guidelines:Trustworthiness, Truthfulness, Active Listening, Personal Best, and No Put Downs.LIFESKILLS (which will be incorporated into the discipline plan)IntegrityCommon SenseProblem-SolvingInitiativeFlexibilityPerseveranceOrganizationEffortSense of HumorCaringPrideResponsibilityPatienceFriendshipCuriosityCourageCooperationBehavior Plan:This year we are going to continue the positive behavior plan.  The students will all start the day on green and have the opportunity to move up the colors for postitive behaviors that I notice or they can move down the chart when poor choices are made.  See the picture: If a child is on yellow or red a note will go home in their folder for the parent/guardian to sign.This also teaches responsibility, as it is the childs responsibility to give the sheet to their parents for the signature and place it back in their folder.If the note does not come back the next day, then the child will be asked to move a color until the note comes back.  I do not like to send students to the principals office for poor behavior issues because if they are not in the classroom then they are missing out on learning.However, if a child is sent to the office an additional note will go home indicating the incident and how it was handled.I will also make a phone call after school to talk to the parents/guardians.Once students have filled their punch card with purples, they will get to choose a reward.I feel it is necessary to acknowledge the children for doing the right thing and this has improved overall behavior in the room. Common Procedures in SchoolClassroom Rules1.Be respectful of teacher and peers2.Use active-listening when teacher or peer is speaking3.Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak4.NO PUT DOWNS EVER!5.Treat others as you would like to be treated *Golden Rule/Most important*6.Follow directions the first time they are givenHallway Procedures1.In the hallway there is no talking, we need to respect other classrooms.2.When walking in two lines, please keep to the right of the hallway and in straight lines.3.The lines should be close together, no stragglers or passers.Listening Procedures1.It is important to listen closely.You need to listen with your eyes, ears, and body.2.When I am giving directions or teaching a lesson, you need to be respectful and actively listen.3.Please save your question until I have finished my explanation.This also means do not put your hand up when I am talking.4.In order for us to respect and listen to one another during discussions, you will need to raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.Group Work Procedures1.Throughout the year we will be working with many different people.Please respect your group members and get along.2.Before you begin a project with your group, figure out how you are going to make decisions.(Vote, compromise, etc.)3.All group members must participate and use time wisely.Class Work Procedures1.There will be independent work times during class. (Zero Level Voice) Quiet work times occur during a test, quiz, or independent work.During this time you may not talk to your neighbor.2.Please do not rush through your work!Being the first one done is usually not the best; you will redo work if it is not your personal best.3.All work must be labeled correctly.First and last name and number.4.Please do not ever say, I cant.Please say, I will try. I am confident that this will be a productive and fun year.Thank you for taking the time to read this with your child and returning the contract portion promptly.For the Children, Mrs. CruzHome/School ContractI have read the Behavior Plan with my child. Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________Date: ______________________I have read the Behavior Plan with an adult and I understand the school procedures.I will do my best to follow the procedures everyday.Child Signature: ___________________________________Date: _______________________I will support you everyday and I will communicate with the parents/guardians about positive and negative behaviors frequently.Teacher Signature: _________________________________Date: _______________________