• Sweet Success in Second Grade

    ~ Supply List ~ Lunch Time ~ Snack ~Special Times ~Water Bottles ~ Envelopes ~ Pick-up/Dismissal ~ Volunteers ~ PartiesBirthdays ~



    Dear Parent(s),

                Welcome to FIRST GRADE at Joan Martin Elementary School!  My name is Jill Peeler and I will have the pleasure of teaching your child this year!  Let me begin with introducing our classroom theme, which is “Sweet Success!”  Our school practices and uses Lifeskills and Lifelong Guidelines.  One of these skills is perseverance.  Perseverance is a key ingredient in achieving SUCCESS as we learn all sorts of new things throughout the year!   

    This is the start my 15th year with the Joan Martin Family!  I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Purdue University Calumet.  I received my Master’s in Elementary Education at PUC as well.  My husband and I have three fantastic boys!!!  Jackson is 10 ½, Zackary recently turned 8, and Ethan is 4 ½ years old.   

    During the first couple of weeks, your child will be getting to know others, learning about behavior expectations as well as many other new and exciting experiences!  I have outlined below some IMPORTANT information that will be helpful to you.  Please keep this packet handy for a quick reference guide.  Feel free to ask me any questions.  Here is my contact information:

    947-7869 ext. 8539 (work)

    577-6714 (cell)




    • Supply List:  Below are the supplies your child will need for MY CLASSROOM.  Multiples of some items are asked, so your child will always have supplies on hand.  In addition, as a parent you won’t have to be bothered by trying to get more supplies throughout the school year (one less thing to worry about J).  Please DO NOT send in Trapper Keepers/binders (they take up lots of desk room)Please contact me or the office if you need assistance with ANY or ALL of these supplies. 

    Mrs. Peeler’s Extras: J

    1 – EMPTY cereal box (will be used as their mailbox)

    1 - Water bottle (Optional)


    Completed Dismissal Card

    Pair of Fiskars brand pointed scissors, labeled with your child’s name

    Regular sized backpack (no wheels and not too small), labeled with your child’s name

    2 boxes of Crayola Crayons (box of 24)

    5 glue sticks (no gel- we recommend Elmer’s – other brands dry out quickly)

    2 pink erasers (labeled with your child’s name)

    1 package of pencil top erasers

    2 family sized box of tissues

    2 Packages of 24 plain yellow #2 pencils  (We recommend the Papermate brand.  They seem to hold up better for our first graders. If possible, please sharpen them before school starts.)

    6 black Expo dry erase markers (girls bring fat markers and boys bring skinny markers)

    A COMPOSITION book (primary or wide-ruled)  

    1 plain, inexpensive clipboard, labeled with your child’s name.

    1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (boys) or 1 box of Ziploc sandwich bags (girls)

    A set of headphones (ear buds are acceptable also)


     *** At-Home supplies ***

     crayons,  pencils,  scissors,  &  glue 






    *      Lunch Time: Our 40 minute lunch period is from 10:55-11:35.  This time frame is broken up into two sections: RECESS TIME (1st 20 min.) and CAFÉ TIME (2nd 20 min.)  If your child orders a hot lunch, he/she will be given a pin number that will access his/her account.  If you would like to know your child’s pin number early, please contact the office.  Otherwise, your child will receive his/her number on the 1st day of school.  The pin number will be the same as long as your child attends Hobart public schools (K-12). 


    You are able to send money (cash or check) to school and I will send it down to the lunchroom.  Then the ladies will enter the money into to your child’s account.  When sending money in, PLEASE make sure that it is SEALED in an EVELOPEThe envelope needs to have your child’s name, pin number, labeled “lunch money”, and 1-PE on the front of it.  Another alternative is to come in to the school and pay at the office.


    If your child brings a cold lunch, please make sure that you have packed a well-balanced meal (candy is not appropriate for lunch time).  Please keep in mind that there is not space available to keep foods and drinks hot/cold.  Therefore, make sure that your child’s lunch is properly packed.  Also, make sure that all lunch boxes have your child’s name and 1-PE on it.  This will help located it if it happens to become misplaced.


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    *      Snack TimeWe will be taking a snack break each day.  Please allow your child to bring in a small and health snack.  This will keep their brains fueled and ready for learning!  Some ideas of a health snack would include: fruits, vegetables, crackers, cheese and so on. 


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    *    Special Times:

    1)      Monday ~ Gym @ 12:35-1:25

    2)      Tuesday ~ Art @ 12:35-1:25

    3)      Wednesday ~ Library @ 12:35-1:25

    4)      Thursday ~ Music @ 1:25-2:15 (different time)

    5)      Friday ~ Art @ 12:35-1:25


    *      Water Bottles: Also, your child is encouraged to bring in a SMALL water bottle that will be kept on their desks.  The reasoning being, your child will have a quick and convenient way to get a drink of water without disrupting the others during learning times.  We need to keep our brains hydrated! J


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    *      EnvelopesPlease make such that any envelope you send to school has your child’s name, 1-PE, and labeled (example: lunch money, study trip money, and so on).  The reason being, it can get back to the owner if lost!  J



    *      Arrival:  School starts at 8:45 a.m.  The tardy bell rings at 8:55 a.m.


    *      Dismissal:  Full day dismissal is at 3:30 p.m.  If you are picking up your child, they will be dismissed at 3:20. Please pick them up outside of door #11.  These doors are located in the SOUTH (back) parking lot by the GYM.


    **** PLEASE make sure that you pull up to the curb, but not on the fire lane (yellow line)If there is not a spot, park in the lot and use the sidewalks & crosswalks to get your child or pull around until a spot opens.

    ****  If parents ignore this rule, the children are at risk of getting injured by a car.  We are trying to keep our children as well as others PROTECT! J


    If your child is a bus rider, please help them learn their bus number.  Bus numbers are located outside of the office doors or call the office at 947-7869.  Also, if there is a change in transportation plans, you must send a written note or call the school.  I will send your child home the normal

    way if I am not notified of a transportation change.  Again, if a note or phone call is not received, your child will be sent home by his/her USUAL means of transportation.


    ~ Top ~



    *      Volunteers:

     ***ANYONE who wants to help out (study trips, parties and so on)

         MUST have already filled out the volunteer form.  It must be

         APPROVED BEFORE the event.  The forms are located in office.


    I would love to have 1 Room Parent this year.  The Room Parent will help organize the class parties (along with help from other parents as well as myself)!  The Room Parent will be given a copy of the volunteer forms that each parent fills out in the beginning of the year.  This will help the R.P. know which parents want to be involved in which parties.  This is so that the burden does not become too great on one parent.  Great things happen when there is teamwork! 


    In addition, there maybe times that I will need parent help in the classroom.  When these times occur, I will contact those who checked the classroom help box on the volunteer sheet.  If you are interested in possibly volunteering your time, please fill out the sheet that I have attached.  Parent help is ALWAYS APPRECIATED!  J


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    We will have four parties this year!  There will be Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day and End of the Year parties.  If you are interested in helping out at ANY of these parties, please let me know by filling out the attached sheet.




    We all have them and young critters love to celebrate them!  If you would like, feel free to send in treats for your critters birthday!  We will sing and make your critter feel special for the day!  In the event that your critter has a summer birthday, we would still love to celebrate their birthday too.  So, have your child pick a day, toward the end of the year, and we will leave that day open for their celebration! 


    ***ALL treats MUST be



    Great things are going to happen this year as I get to know you and your child!  If at any time you have questions, comments, and/or concerns please do not hesitate to call me at 947-7869 ext. 8539.  Again, I am looking forward to exploring and discovering all aspects of learning with your curious critter!                                                             


    Thank you for your help and support,

    Mrs. Peeler J



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    Our classroom  











Last Modified on September 9, 2015